• Fractures

    Fractures, or breaks, can potentially occur in any bone in a horse’s body. Some types of fractures, however, are more common, especially among very athletic horses, such as racehorses. Causes of Fractures Fractures fall into several categories: An incomplete fracture (also known a “green stick,”

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  • Food and Nutrition

    From your point of view, as the caregiver, it is important to familiarize your horse with being handled-and of course, it is always gratifying to have a horse with a clean and smart appearance. Feeding your horse correctly is a vital element of effective horse care. A horse's natural grazing pattern

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  • Exerional Rhabdomyolysis (Tying-Up)

    Horse lovers have observed this frightening disease for centuries. It’s been called azoturia, tying-up, cording up, holiday disease and Monday morning disease; the last two names reflect that symptoms are sometimes observed after hard work followed by a period of rest. In the last couple of decades,

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  • Examining Your Horse

    Even if you fall in love with the horse, do not buy it before the animal has been thoroughly examined by a veterinarian with experience in performing purchase examinations. Long-time horse owners almost always have a veterinarian examine any animal before purchase and first-time owners should certainly

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  • Why Turnout is Essential Your Horse

    Could your horse's health suffer if it spends too much time indoors?

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  • Is Your Horse Showing Signs of Problems in its Hind Legs?

    Do you know the common causes of hind leg problems in horses?

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  • Signs That Your Horse is Stressed

    Can you recognize the signs of stress in your horse?

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  • Facts to Help You Care for Your Foal

    Do you know these foal facts?

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  • Managing Equine Asthma

    Does your horse have equine asthma? These tips will help you relieve asthma symptoms.

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  • Your Senior Horse and Exercising

    Do you know how much exercise your older horse needs?

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  • Horseback Riding in the Winter

    Are you planning to ride your horse this winter? Check out these safety tips.

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  • Your Winter Horse Care Checklist

    How prepared is your horse for winter weather?

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  • Anxiety in Horses

    Are you worried about your anxious horse? Try a few of these suggestions.

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  • Pregnancy in Horses

    Is your horse pregnant? A little extra care and attention will help keep your mare healthy during the pregnancy.

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  • How to Treat Eye Infections in Horses

    Do you know the signs of an eye infection in your horse?

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  • Caring For Your Horse in Hot Weather

    Improving your horse's comfort during hot, humid days can be as simple as following these tips.

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